Night Watch Security Inc.

Night Watch Security Inc. is Los Angeles, CA based company dawning the state of California with its top class and professional service with overwhelming customer satisfaction. In short best possible quality service at unbelievable low rates. Staff have vast experience in the security profession and willing to offer you the best professional service.

COVID-19 Access Control Screening Security Solutions

As many companies adjust to the “new normal” of providing both safe and secure access to their properties, Night Watch Security is delivering COVID-19 crisis-specific expertise that is immediately available. Based on these experiences, we have deployed an extensive set of best practices for COVID access control screening.

Social distancing enforcement, Face mask enforcement, Temperature screening, Max occupancy enforcement,Queue monitoring


Night Watch Security Inc. provides armed and unarmed officers for a wide range of Commercial, Industrial, Residential & Construction clients. Whether you need an on-site officer or a marked patrol vehicle to protect your property against crime, Night Watch Security Inc. in North Hollywood is the company to call

We offer a variety of high quality security guard services at competitive prices. We specialize in Commercial Security, Residential Services & Construction Site Security. Our Team is devoted to Helping our client find the right security service for their individual needs.



Commercial Security

We specialize in commercial security.


Residential Security

We can provide services for apartment complexes, condominium buildings , luxury estates , and homeowners associations.


Retail Security

The objective of our retail security officers is to decrease the risk of theft or loss for our retail clients

Availeble 24*7

We are available 24*7 to provide best service for our clints. With us our clients are safe and secure

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What We Do For Our Clients